When We Can’t See What’s Ahead

It’s so easy to worry about what is ahead. There may be horrible things that you think may happen that never will. It’s easy to think that things are looking pretty bad ahead when they actually aren’t.

This is one of the life lessons that I have learned while caddying for Mike. Yesterday saw us back on the golf course together for the first time since our 30th wedding anniversary on 9th August. It has been very busy and between the weather and work, we hadn’t got it right. Yesterday we behaved like a retired couple and went to the golf course…it was good to be back…look at the perfect day…


I usually stand behind Mike and watch the ball as he tees off. I have to try see where it lands. Sometimes I lose sight of it and it disappears into what seems to be oblivion! It doesn’t look good ahead. It’s going to be missing, in the bush, in the water, in the reeds, in the bunker, in a ditch – there are many pitfalls on a golf course and it’s not uncommon for the ball to find one of them.

Quite often as we walk down the fairway after teeing off, we ponder the fate of the ball. If it has been a bit wayward, we wonder what we will find ahead.

That’s what got me thinking about how we worry about what’s ahead in our journey through life. If what is around the next corner is a pitfall – a swamp, a ditch, a horrible set of circumstances. Inevitably, it’s not as bad as we thought. We find the ball is not in the bunker, it’s just outside it. Sometimes it is as bad as we thought – the ball has disappeared altogether – never to be seen again. Or perhaps it’s in the water and unplayable.  We make a plan, take the penalty, drop a shot and move on.

In life sometimes bad things do happen and it’s hard to face, but surprisingly, the sun does rise the next day. Sometimes we feel life is so hard that the sun should not rise the next day. But it does.

The one thing in life we know for sure is that when we can’t see what is ahead, God can.

He is already there.

In Daniel 9:8 Daniel prayed

“We do not make requests of You because of our righteousness, but because of Your great mercy.”

God is listening. He hears you when you pray. God sees the future and He walks beside you.

Those are some of the things I know for sure!

#116 of my 1000 thanks is a very happy one – Riana is home!! Back from the UK for 2 months. I watched her cross Africa…



These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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