What I Missed Most…

Today is Youth Day. As I lay in bed this morning, I looked back on my ten years on morning radio and how I was in some way responsible for the show preparation for every public holiday that fell on a weekday, except often-times Youth Day! The youth of the station would many times take over the show and I would get to really take the day off. No more of those kind of responsibilities.

With it being cold in the morning, I took my laptop to my bed and snuggled under the duvet, working until it was warmer and my battery was about to die. Then I got up! One thing I noticed was that the bird’s juice bottle was close to empty and the sweet sun birds were still trying to get the last drops of nectar out of it. I went downstairs to have breakfast and took the bottle with me, filled it up and put it back. After breakfast, I set up my laptop on a table right in front of the French doors and enjoyed the view…

Close up of the bird on the bottle…

I worked there for a few hours and then called it a day. I had reduced the emails in one inbox from 297 to 145. Tomorrow I will work through some more, although more will have arrived! I hope to finish tomorrow.

The thing I found I missed most by going off the grid when I was away for the few days this week, believe it or not, was knowing the time. Not having my cell phone, I never knew what the time was. That surprised me. I left my cell phone at home because it is largely used for work and I needed a break. When I turned my cell phone back on yesterday afternoon this is what was waiting for me…not too bad for 2 and a half days…

I quickly caught up with what was on my cell phone. What was in my email needed more time.

When we were away, Stacey mentioned she had made Bobotie and I immediately thought that was just what I felt like, so today I made one…

It wasn’t too bad….just needed more salt.

#327 of 1000 thanks is for a rather decadent late afternoon nap. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open! It was just what I needed.

1 Timothy 6:17

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Put your hope in God.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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