We Bought a Front Door

A couple of years ago Julian bought two stained glass windows and we put them to one side for “one day when we build at Echo.” A few weeks ago when Leanne who is doing the plans for our build came round to discuss the plans, we showed her the windows and said we want them built into the design. She looked at them and announced that she was gutting her house and doing a massive renovation and in the process she had a front door that would work with those windows. She took a photo of it and emailed it to us. After negotiating the price, we have settled on it. We haven’t taken delivery of it yet, but hope to sort that out in the next week. This is the front door that, God willing, will be the one that we walk through when we build at Echo….

Mike intends to paint the wood white.  The plan is that you will enter through the door into an entrance hall with a staircase going up immediately to the left. The other two stained glass windows will be against the wall on the right, but quite high up. Off the entrance hall will be doors that enter our home. Upstairs will be where Julian stays. That’s the plan anyway. We meet with Leanne on Thursday.

We are beginning to spend money on the build. Paying for the plans, buying the door and the smaller windows. We are walking by faith! We will begin to believe when we have overcome the issue of the foundations. Those are a bit of a wild card. If we cross that hurdle and start seeing a structure rising from the ground, we will begin to get excited that maybe, just maybe this pipe dream will become a reality. It makes a huge difference financially, that we are in this with Julian. We are each contributing 50%.

#899 of my 1000 thanks is for a unique and character-filled front door.

It will probably stand in the garage for a year! If it doesn’t work out, we’ll sell it on, but for today, I’m so happy to have it.

I think one of the things that I have found to be very important in my life is to be happy right now. It’s the quote that I have just above my computer…

I don’t need a new build to be happy. I am already.

Today I did four hours of work and had some downtime as well. It is after all Heritage Day and a holiday in Cape Town. The company for whom I work are having their annual conference so all the main players are out the office.

John 9:4

We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the One who sent us. The night is coming and then no one can work.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 25 minutes fast walk (I got there a bit late)
  • 30 minutes Grid – all time high heart rate of 170bpm at the end. This was because the last exercise was this one. I did 37 jumps in 30 seconds. It was crazy. I had time to do 40 but I was just too tired. I will try for 40 next time, but that’s why my heart rate was so high!

  • 10 minute cool down cycle
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