To Do or Not To Do

No, the answer must be No!

When I got invited to do that tiny little voice-over job on Upwork the other day, it re-opened my Upwork profile. I went from Private to Public and now I’ve received an invitation to interview for a blog writing job. They need about 6 blogs a month of about 600 words. Some research is required. I don’t even know what it pays, but what I have to ask myself is do I really want to do it? What’s interesting is that it is dental. I was tempted, but am right now, this very minute,  going to decline. Wait one moment while I do that…


When I first started on Upwork it was like a game of Monopoly where I earned tiny little amounts. I remember once transcribing an hour of audio. It took me 8 hours. I got paid $13. I always thought I would be good at transcription because I type fast, but that was r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. Never again!  Still $13 is $13, just not ideal for 8 hours work.

Today there was load-shedding from 6am – 8-30am and then again from 2pm to 4-30pm. I worked around it and this afternoon, I used my cell phone to answer email. I still managed to get 8 hours done. Today, I also had my eyes tested. I know I need new reading glasses, so I went and ordered them. My distance vision has not deteriorated but with all the computer work, my close-up vision has gone down a bit over the last two years. I have a massive computer monitor which helps. This is my desk right now…

Tomorrow, load-shedding is due to continue but I’ve just read that it will be Stage 2 from 11pm tonight until 9am tomorrow, when Stage 4 kicks in. It means that it is only from 2pm to 4-30pm that there will be load-shedding in our area. That helps me a lot.

Mike had a super-productive day. He did some of the maintenance needed at Echo so the toilet is fixed. It’s an ancient toilet and eventually will need replacement, but for the time being, it lives to flush another day. Julian comes on Wednesday and stays through to Monday which will be nice.

Time for me to wrap up and have some down-time.

Psalm 103:8

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

I trust Him.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 30 minutes on the bike
  • 30 minutes – Twenty-four class (it was hard work)
  • 30 minutes on the weight machines.


Day 125 (I go to the orthodontist on day 140)




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