The Coffee Machine is 4

It was February 2015 that the family all put money together and we bought Mike a Breville coffee machine. It has faithfully ground and squeezed out about 6 cappuccino a day for the last years. That’s 2000 cappuccinos a year. 8000 cappuccinos! It was certainly worth the money we paid for it, although at the time, it sounded awesomely expensive (R8000), so we’ve got it down to a R1 per cappuccino. The problem is there is some wear and tear happening and it needs a service. This was it brand new…

Today….agh shame. It needs a good polish. This machine keeps us going.

I think I will need to phone @ Home to find out where it can be serviced.

Today has been a busy one for me.  I worked close to ten hours – I actually think it was more 9 and half. I started at 5am. There was no load shedding until this afternoon, so apart from a break of less than an hour I worked from 5am until 2pm. I had a break during load shedding and then worked from 4-30 to 5-50pm.  There have been more developments at the company and it seems that it will mean more work for me. I was asked what my capacity was. I still have some capacity, but I do need to take care that I don’t overdo it. I have a bit of an addictive nature when it comes to these things.  I do churn out the work though, which the company appreciates.

I’m trying to find out what load shedding there will be tomorrow. All I can find is the risk for load shedding tomorrow remains high. It looks like if they have any load shedding at all, our area will be off from 6 to 8-30am. I’ll work around it.

Ephesians 1:6

We praise God for the glorious grace He has poured out on us who belong to His dear Son. 

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Riana got me to go to the 6pm Pilates class. “It will be an easy one,” she said.

It wasn’t.


Day 126. I must enjoy the last two weeks of only having braces on my top teeth. Two weeks time, I’ll be a real metal mouth!

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