Sometimes you get it right and sometimes you get it wrong. Today I got it right! 182 people got it wrong! This has all to do with the dreadful new stop/go roadworks between Kalk Bay and Bible Institute. It’s a short distance of only a few hundred metres but has the ability to raise blood pressures, cause frustration and a bit of ‘stop/go road rage’!! My trip to work in the morning is through them and, this morning, as with yesterday morning, I got caught at them. But as it’s 5am-ish, the wait is pretty painless, if I am psychologically prepared. When I left CCFm this afternoon, I decided to go the home that way. From CCFm side, the Main Rd. looked quiet and I thought ‘how bad can it be?’ First I went to the shop near CCFm for milk and then as I went back to turn left into the main road, there was a car obstructing my way, so I turned right and decided to go over Boyes Drive. I got onto Boyes Drive at 1-01pm and headed happily towards Fish Hoek, enjoying the magnificence of the azure waters of False Bay.
( It reminded me of pictures I’ve seen of the Mediterranean).
As the queue of cars I was in approached Kalk Bay, I wondered how long the wait was going to be. To my astonishment, I didn’t stop! I went straight down Clairveaux Rd, turned right into the Main Rd and voila I was through the dreaded roadworks. As I passed the exit traffic light of the stop/go, I counted the cars waiting for the light to change…. 182 of them, with the queue winding along the Main Rd. pass Bible Institute, down to the Clovelly turn off and as far as Fish Hoek Police Station! It seems the traffic light controlling the stop/go is set to a 7 minute cycle. I think they may have to experiment a bit to get it right. It’s a big topic of conversation on Facebook for the folks this side of our beautiful city! I’m sure many of them have their own stop/go stories to tell. 🙂
So spring has sprung. I’m needing to sort out Granny’s haircut and for dinner there is kedgeree. I think of my dear MOM when I make kedgeree. It was something she made.
This morning, my Bible reading included Ecclesiastes 10:1 “As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honour.”
This is a huge verse. Out of it comes the well known idiom, ‘A fly in the ointment.’ It was the King James Version that caught my attention with this verse, “Dead flies cause the ointment of the perfumer to send forth a foul odour, so does a little folly to him that is respected for wisdom and honour.”
Each of us, as time passes, gains a reputation for something. Generally thinking as we are adults, we want to have a good reputation and we want our organisation to have a good reputation. Yet each of us holds in our power the ability to ruin not only our own reputation but also that of our organisation. Personally, for each of us, commentator Gill describes it like this, “one single act of sin may injure the character of a wise and honorable man.” David and his affair with Bathsheba come to mind. Matthew Henry adds this common sense, “Those especially who make a profession of religion should keep from all appearances of evil.” You & I are on display in our personal capacity. We need to be careful of how we behave.
Good reminder!
God bless you loads!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂