Tim Noakes Tuesday…


Tim Noakes Tuesday is always hectic. He arrives at 7am and pretty much answers non stop questions for 55 minutes. Today is Wayne and Rene’s 30th wedding anniversary, so while the Turner family celebrated,  Jonathan joined me in the studio…

Tim and Jonathan

What I have learned from Tim Noakes is that we are all unique when it comes to our bodies. How my body responds to food is completely different to how Mike does, yet for the last 27 years we have pretty much been eating the same food. One wonders as to the wisdom of that alone.  One of the things I wanted to emphasize on air is that it is up to the individual to research for themselves LCHF and find out what works for them. After I started in October, I soon discovered that biltong did not agree with me.  Cutting out basic carbohydrates and sugar was a huge step. No bread, no rice, no pasta, no potatoes! What was I to eat? But very soon, even cutting out too much meat, I discovered the joys of almonds and avocados and soon realised you don’t need a lot of food to be sustained. When you are eating high fat and protein, it’s filling. For breakfast at 5-30am this morning, I had this…

Breakfast…and was not hungry by lunchtime. I ate a handful of almonds before going to gym (and after gym as well) and that has been fine for me. I think it has all been an adjustment. Cutting out sugar, I have noticed that anything that has sugar in it, is now ‘super-sweet’. I have not lost a lot of weight, but I feel considerably healthier. For those who are carbohydrate intolerant, this LCHF lifestyle is nothing less than absolutely vital. You have to make the change. If you are obese and the Dr has told you to lose weight, LCHF is for you. Google it. Go to the tab at the top that says, “All Things LCHF”  and click on the websites there.  There is hope for you. Do the research and start making changes. And when you make the changes, listen to your body. If you eating a dozen eggs a week makes you queasy, substitute for avocado and feta cheese some of the time or salmon & almonds. Double cream Greek yoghurt is also a change. Experiment until you find you’ve got the results you are looking for. You want to feel good,  to have lots of  energy and to have a stable blood sugar level so you’ve not having sugar highs and lows. No more headaches, no more tummy aches, no more mid afternoon lethargy. That’s what you are aiming for!

While we are all on the journey of life, we’re also all on an eating journey. Enjoy it and remember where it comes from…

 Psalm 104:14 You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth.

God bless!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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