Tight Lipped and Stoney-Faced…


Tension in the van Niekerk car! After Mike & I dropped David at the start of the marathon yesterday, it was only 6am. My plan was to park somewhere and tuck myself up under a blanket inside the car and have a nap. Then I was going to find a place to have breakfast. Mike’s plan was to find coffee and then go to Canal Walk. So I followed Mike’s plan. Only NOTHING was open at 6am Sunday morning at Canal Walk. We couldn’t find an open coffee shop. Eventually, Mike said, ‘Forget this! We’re going home!”  I was not impressed. The idea of travelling 40  minutes back to Fish Hoek and then have to turn around and drive all the way back to town made me furious. Tight lipped and stoney-faced, I sat seething in the passenger seat. We got onto the M3 and at about UCT, Mike said, ‘Are you okay?’  “No! Actually, I’m not!” I curtly replied, “I’m really irritated!” I went onto say how little I felt like trekking all the way home, only to turn around and come all the way back to town! So Mike said, “Let’s turn around then” and he took the next turnoff which “happened”  to take us down to Rondebosch. I told Mike that the runners actually come through Rondebosch. Then followed an amazing sequence of events that saw the entire day take on a different hue. We found ourselves at a fabulous little coffee shop, ordered coffee and breakfast. Right after we had put our order in, the first runners came past! There was a father and son also in the restaurant and he proceeded to explain the route which Mike took note of. We sat on the deck outside  and in due course,  David came running by and we were able to get his 10km photo! We relaxed for another 20 minutes or so, enjoyed another cup of coffee and then left for the next spot. We parked close to the 27km mark and waited. At 9am, David came past and we were able to urge him on. The day was turning out far better than we had planned. Mike & I looked at each other and agreed – it’s amazing when it’s not my way and it’s not his way, but it works out perfectly when it’s God’s way! God worked it out to be His way and it was GOOD! We were home by 12 noon and so grateful all had turned out so well. It looked tense and messy, BUT GOD!

That’s grace.

Let go and let God!

Today, I had another wonderful moment when I unexpectedly got to witness sunrise…

Sunrise 23rd September 2013God’s grace at work again.

Psalm113:3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Name of the LORD is to be praised.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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