Thursday Routine


Today was the day…

We got to swim. We had a visitor coming at 10am, so we woke, had coffee, did Bible reading and went straight down to the beach. I hadn’t swum, for what I think was 4 days. It was wonderful being in the sea again, although, despite hardly any wind, the waves were dumpers & the sea was murky. It was not really a swimming day, but a bobbing up and down and swimming round and round for 25 minutes kind of dip. The sea was surprisingly warm and it was very low tide. We were there around 8am and the tide was still receding. It was at its lowest at 9:05. It was gloriously refreshing and I’m so glad we went.

Home, shower, breakfast, work for 25 minutes, then our visitor arrived.

I began work in earnest at about 11:30am and worked through to 5ish.

We walked to the end of the road and then had a delightful dinner on the balcony, during which we watched the moon rise.

When the units have longer staying guests my Thursday routine is to change their linen. I learned this the hard way. We had guests stay for 2 weeks in the cottage and to get round the linen change issue, I left a spare set in the cottage and half way through their stay, alerted them to it.

They didn’t have time to do the change so when the end of the visit arrived and they left, I did have a clean set of linen but the bed sheet was pretty gnarly. I spent a goodly amount of time scrubbing it before putting it through the machine. I have two very nice guests at the moment. One is in the Seaview apartment right now and is staying til the end of the month. Every Thursday since he arrived, he goes out in the evening and I go down swap out his linen, spritz his bathroom & replace his towels. The chap in the Little Lookout is here for 10 days and as today was day 5, I asked if he wanted a linen change. He said yes, so I did the same with him. Tomorrow is bin day, so it also gives me the opportunity to get all their rubbish out and put in fresh bin bags. I’m not born to clean, but I do get a kick out of doing this!

Now blog is done and I’m going to sit in bed and play my word game!

Oh, I’ll leave you with a picture of the moon by NHW member Alexia who said it was a balancing act between binoculars and cell phone.

Psalm 8: 3-4

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them?

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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