We bought a few things back from Egypt that were souvenirs – Egypt camel keyrings, fridge magnet and a tablecloth to name a few, but there were three things that I bought back that were not souvenirs.
- On about the first day of touring – when we went to see the pyramids, I was getting off the coach and somehow I graunched my outer leg on the arm of the seat. I hopped around for a bit while the pain went away. I knew I would have a bruise, but I was shocked when I saw it. I came out the bathroom a day or two later and Mike said, ‘you have quite a bruise there!’ It wasn’t that sore but it looked bad. I thought I’d better take a photo for show and tell!
I carried it with me for the rest of the trip. I’m not sure how I did it to be honest. I just know the arm of the coach seat was involved and it got dragged menacingly across my leg. All that remains now is a slight yellowing in the worst parts
- That wasn’t the only bruise I came back with. When we were racing through OR Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, I had a run-in with a luggage trolley and got a bruise and broken skin on my ankle. That’s nearly healed. It was minor.
- The third thing is why I’m writing this today. I must have picked up a germ on the plane that had a few day incubation period and it has now hit me. I haven’t had a high temperature for years. In fact, I was thinking today, the last time I remember dealing with a fever was when I was on CCFm and I needed to ask Paul to fill in for me because I had flu. That must have been about 8 years ago. That’s pretty impressive!
Today I’ve had a runny nose and high temperature and felt pretty bleak. I took a pill and that helped. I’m sure I’ll be better tomorrow. Hopefully, this will build my immune system for the winter bugs in several months time. Whenever, I get sick, there is only one thing I crave and that’s coke. I remember it from my childhood. My Mom always used to give us coke when we were unwell. In those days there was no diet coke – it was only the loaded with sugar – variety. My Mom would then add another teaspoon of sugar to make it go flat and we would get it like that. We drank flat coke whenever we were sick. David messaged me for something today and I told him I was sick. He asked if there was anything I needed from the shop. “Yes please! Diet coke! ”
So grateful I’m so seldom unwell. This is a passing virus and no doubt I’ll be on the mend tomorrow and be able to work.
Psalm 34:5
Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
These are the days.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
I probably won’t go to gym for a few days.
1 year and 60 days.