Three of the Best Things I’ve Ever Done…


On this website under “About Helga” you will find the best days of my life.  Hindsight is 20/20. It’s easy to look back and think “I wish I’d done this or I wish I hadn’t done that.” It’s easy to have regrets. But have you ever looked back on your life and pondered the best things you’ve ever done. Every now and again, I recall an event that made me grateful that at that moment, I got it right! Surprisingly it had long term effects. Just to clarify when I say these are the best things I’ve ever done…it’s actually what God has done…I really should take no credit.

The first thing I think of is not giving up nursing. I remember being under huge stress early in my second year of nursing training at Somerset Hospital. There was a lot of practical to be done and each procedure had to be tested. It was hugely nerve wracking. First you had to master the theory, then get some practice for the procedure and then book a test with the examiner. And there were multiple procedures, so it was all very Somerset_Hospital_Cape_Townstressful and easy to put off the bookings for as long as possible. Eventually, I received message that if I didn’t do it, I would be dropped from the registered nursing course and be downgraded to the staff nursing course. I was called into the matron’s office. I explained to Matron Roese that regardless of what happened, I would get those tests completed. I promised her they would get done. She appreciated my determination and that was the end of the discussion. I kept my word, did the procedures and went onto qualify with everyone else. But, there was a fellow student nurse who was in the same position. She too was called to the matron’s office. What went on behind those closed doors, I do not know, but when I spoke to her later, her attitude was one of complete indifference. She got dropped from the registered nurse’s course and 30 years later, she is still a staff nurse. The opportunities for professional development are less and it all hinged on that one meeting with Matron Roese. Persevering at that time was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I am a better person today because of that decision.

Another best thing was persuading my brother, Julian,  to come for my 40th birthday. This year it’s 10 years since that weekend in November. I PLEADED with him to come. He wasn’t going to. At the time, unbeknown to either of us, there had been a big

Julian at work with Kitty by his side

Julian at work with Kitty by his side

communication misunderstanding between us and our relationship was far from close. He came, we talked and…well… the change in our relationship was instant. Since that time, we have been as close as a brother and sister can be! He’s coming this weekend! 😀 I am a better person today because of that conversation. Julian stretches my thinking, challenges my beliefs, encourages my endeavours & adds far more to our family than he even knows.

The third best thing that God allowed for me,  was saying ‘yes’ to taking on the Rise and Shine show on CCFm. That was also 10 years ago. I was prepared to present the show free of charge. It turns out it did come with a small allowance but it has been a life changing experience. I have Rise and Shine Showlearned it’s not about me. I have learned patience, discipline & endurance. I’ve learned that you can behave your way to success – or  ‘become the mask!’ I have found I can come into the studio at 6am, feeling  blugh and below par and can come out at 9am, feeling so much better – on top of the world, simply by being that way on air!

Err on the positive. Err on the side of love. Err toward generosity. There’s a lot of sense in the slogan for the youth group that David helps to lead…

Yrage tshirtAnd we do it all for one reason….

1 Thessalonians 1:3

We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless you today!

In His Grip,

Helga xx

Gratitude/Happiness Pic…March showers

The weather is cooling, in the southern part of the world… days shorter, less wind, leaves brown, edges curled; this is March, we are grateful to summer months past, we look forward to rain, and winter at last.

Nice rainy March dayAnd with the rain comes the first soup of the season…

First soup


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