Thoughtful Thief – Maybe Not!

Yesterday’s blog contained just a short note that David’s cell phone and wallet were stolen yesterday. Today, there was good news! Look:

I don’t actually think the thief was really that thoughtful. The wallet was in a bank bag and  he needed to dispose of it so he tossed it out the car on his way through Muizenberg/Lakeside area. Quite a distance from Fish Hoek Methodist Church and clearly not an opportunist.

#747 of my 1000 thanks – happy dance – David’s wallet has been found and with it his driver’s licence. What a blessing. That makes a huge difference to his life. We are so grateful.

Psalm 143:8

Let me hear of Your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting You. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

What wonderful words. They should be made into a song. They probably have been.

Today dawned cold and wet. As the day progressed, there was a deluge of rain, which went a long way to top up the tanks.

I went to gym and got back before the rain began. I spent several hours working at my desk, grateful to be able to work from home. It was a profitable day.

Yay for Monday!

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 30 minute fast walk.
  • 30 minute Grid – heart rate 161bpm
  • 5 minute cycle


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