This is What Retired People Do

Well this is what retired people (who work from home) do! This morning, Mike and I woke up at some ridiculously early hour – like 4am. We chatted a bit (mainly about trying to figure out how much daily Euro budget we should allocate for the eight days we are in Italy). Then Mike made coffee and I did my Bible reading. The coffee was actually decaf, so at about 6am, we went back to sleep and woke up at 8am.

That’s what retired people who work from home do! At 8-05am, I logged onto my work network and did two hours of work from the comfort of my bed. Then I got up, got dressed and put the rubbish out.

I started making breakfast and Mike joined me. We had our brekkie and then watched the US open tennis highlights, followed by the news of Hurricane Harvey (an H hurricane and they didn’t call it Helga – what were they thinking?! Pfft!) It has been raining here but gentle and drizzly. The dams are a little fuller (at 34.2%), but not nearly as high as they were last year at this time…

We continue to appreciate each raindrop that falls, while the other side of the globe, Houston, Texas prays for it to stop.

People are squirming over this well-known movie line…

It’s never been more true.

The dichotomy of life. Cape Town, desperately needs rain. Houston desperately needs it to stop. Whatever the situation, the Lord knows. He is in control. This too will pass.

2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 

Right now I’ve interrupted this blog to report a Telkom fault at David’s place.  I remembered! It’s been on my to-do list for days and I just haven’t been remembering to get it done! The phone line (and subsequent internet) has been down for weeks. This is the third time we (David and I) have logged faults. We’ve been in contact with the ISP as well. So far no success. We now think it HAS to be a Telkom issue. Banging my head against the wall does not help.

#403 of my 1000 thanks is that I remembered to log the Telkom fault and now am hoping for the best.

So now that is done, the next steps for the day go like this:

  1. I do some more work.
  2. Make the bed.
  3. I get some shopping done otherwise we don’t eat tonight!
  4. Phone my nephew-in-law, Gerrie who celebrates his birthday today!

It’s a good life!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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