Quite often it really is the little things that makes a marriage happy. Today Mike and I had one of those little things.
It all had to do with the traffic department. After our driver’s licences were stolen, we applied for replacements. In the meantime, Mike got a speeding fine and Dustin’s car licence needed renewal. We had 3 reasons to visit the Fish Hoek traffic department. Dustin is in the US and so we went armed to the teeth with whatever paperwork we thought was required. We created proof of address for him, had that stamped and signed, we had the renewal notice, we had a copy of his passport and a note from him giving permission. What more could you need? While one of us queued in the car licence queue, the other went to collect the driver’s licence and pay the fine. Then we waited for our turn. It came. We tried to get the licence disc, but alas there was a document missing. The man at the window said we only needed this one document and that was a traffic form with a picture of Dustin. He was issued it in 2014.
We went home planning on returning the next day. I asked Morgan (who has taken Dustin’s place in the cottage and is using his car) if she had seen a form in his car file with a photo of him on it. She was out, but said we could go and look. We found it!
Ah small victory. Because we found it so fast, there was time to rush back to the traffic department before they closed. We got back in the queue and soon were called to the window. This time a lady attended us. She refused to give us the licence because we needed to sign a ‘tenant affidavit!’ “No!” we objected, “That guy over there said we just had to bring this!” “Ok,” she said, “Go back to him then.”
So we did.
And he gave us the licence disc.
As we walked out, I felt a wave of euphoria! SUCCESS! Mike and I high-fived!
As we drove home, I thought how much marriage is often made up of these little things – we are in it together – just doing life – the regular things – but we are doing them together and that makes a big difference.
Psalm 115:1
Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your Name be the glory because of Your love and faithfulness.
#97 of my 1000 thanks is that we got Dustin’s car licence disc! Yay!!
#98 of my 1000 thanks is that we wrapped up the documentation for the Johannesburg interviews which are on Monday.
These are the days!
Keep the smile going!
God bless you!
In His Grip,
Helga xx