This is one thing that will REALLY annoy Mike!


So today is it! After going to bed at midnight last night, I woke up just before my alarm clock and listened to the silence, contemplating how my new role at home will be. My alarm went off at 4-45am and I hopped out of bed, turned the alarm off and put my dressing gown on. Downstairs, I made myself hot water with lemon and snuggled up under a blanket on the couch to pray. At about 5-20am, I put the kettle on and made Mike tea.  Then I bounced upstairs and enthusiastically announced tea was ready! No response!  I happily jumped back into bed and shifted up next to Mike. “Good Morning, my darling!!” “Groan.” “Oh dear,” I thought, “this is one thing that will REALLY annoy Mike”.  He is just not a morning person. “How do you normally wake up?” I asked. “Gradually, ” he managed.  Okay! I need to back off! So as he slowly rose through a fog of sleep, I went downstairs and did the dishes. By the time that was done, he was up, dressed and ready for work. Off he went! I understand we are going to have to be patient in finding our way with the new routine.

I did my Bible reading and wrote a piece for the Helga’s Daily Blog FB page, which I’ve added to the bottom of this post.

I got online and applied for a job on ODesk. Then I just did a bit of housework. I did complete on job which I found out about this weekend…I put the hem up on a pair of Mike’s work pants…here’s a selfie –  the camera was on timer…

Early morning hemmingGym was next…

GymHome, I had meat in the freezer which I defrosted and put on…

Dinner in the potNever cooked this before…

Venison Valerie-Gail arrived for coffee. Leg wax with Peppi after that and now I’m home, getting the blog posted.

I will drift into this new lifestyle carefully & intentionally. I have a lot to achieve. One thing I am learning and that is that whether you are a prince or a pauper, spending time with God at the start of each day is beneficial. We all need Him. This is what I wrote this morning:

“What is that to you?” These are words of Jesus, captured in the final chapter of the Gospel of John. They are part of a conversation that Jesus had with Peter, just before His time on earth ended. Jesus had been telling Peter some rather ominous things that were going to happen to him. Peter sees John, and asks Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus replies, (John 21:22) “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow Me.” I’m sure Peter is hoping that John’s fate will be equally as difficult. The answer Jesus gives is very clear. What happens to John is actually none of Peter’s business. Peter must follow Jesus. And so it is with us. What God is doing with other people, what is that to you or me? We must follow Christ. When that thought has settled in your mind, it will be easier to stay focused today. Just follow Jesus.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude Pic – I’m so enjoying my farewell flowers…


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