The New TV Arrived


Dear Elsie

Today a couple of things happened. The guest in the cottage left. He has been with us for 3 months!

We’ll see him again next month when he returns for 10 days to stay in the loft.

This freed up the cottage so David could move down to that unit. He is now happily installed there.

And, the TV finally arrived. The delivery process was messy but eventually, after several hours of ’20 minutes’ a truck lumbered up to our house. I say lumbered because one of its tyres was flattish and the drivers were very worried about it.

The chaps were okay with carrying it up the 85 steps, where it was unboxed…

and tested…

They left and Mike got on with its installation…

And now he is installing and downloading and a number of other things.

It’s the first time I’m home on a Saturday for quite some time. It’s my house cleaning day so I did a bit of that too. Last Saturday I was in Swellendam and the Saturday before I was on a ship in Kiel, Germany! Saturday before that saw our arrival in Copenhagen and Saturday before that it was a drizzly day in Arona, Italy.  Time doesn’t stop. The days fly by and unless we ourselves take a moment to smell the roses, breath deeply in the fresh sea air, stand and stare at the distant mountains and pause to enjoy the world God has given us, it will all flash by without us noticing. Intentionality is needed to enjoy each day. That’s one of the reasons why I love the early morning before anyone has risen. The peace and quiet of sitting in my rocking chair in the early morning darkness is hard to beat. Seeing the sun rise, doing my Bible reading and then my daily word game is a meaningful routine I get to look forward to every single morning. I’m richly rewarded each day.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xxx 🙂




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