The Main Event of the Day

Building plans can be tricky. It’s best to get them as right as possible before submitting them to Council. After yesterday’s meeting with our draftslady, Mike scrutinized them and decided the windows weren’t the right size and there were a number of other issues that needed fixing. So this morning, Mike handed the changes over to her and now he should have his part in the exercise complete. We really hope they will get to Council this week.

That was the main event of the day.

Afterwards, hungry, we met Julian for brunch.

On getting home, Mike and I sat in the garden and drank tea. We reflected on the life we have led at our current house. Almost 30 years in this house. The roots are deep. We have many memories wrapped up here. I remember in about 1995, I envied Mike on Sunday afternoons, as he went to sleep while I entertained the children. I knew one day that they would entertain themselves and I could also sleep on a Sunday afternoon. Now I can sleep any afternoon!

I reflected how we once had a bench in that very spot and one balmy summer’s evening, in about 2003, Mike’s Mom and I sat chatting and admiring the bright moon hanging over the massive Norfolk pine tree in the neighbour’s garden.  The tree was soon cut down to make way for a large extension to their house. Time passes. It just doesn’t stop.

#962 of my 1000 thanks is for this blessed family home. We don’t plan on selling. I told Mike I have been very happy here and if I’m very happy here, I’ll be very happy at Echo, despite 60 steps. We thought there would be 80. We have made a place for the funicular, but there will still be 24 steps to get to it.

We are only passing through. Andy Stanley has a saying, “it’s time to start giving while you’re living because what you’re holding is molding!”

Such a good message. You can watch it here:

Talking of only passing through, Julian gave me a book and encouraged me to start reading it right away. It’s by CS Lewis and titled The Great Divorce .I have obeyed…

Proverbs 10:6

Blessings crown the head of the righteous. 

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


I rested apart from walking 10 000 steps including a 3km walk with Julian.

Braces :

Day 11

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