New Gym Routine

Today I woke up early, had my quiet time and then headed for the gym. I got there just before 6-30am. Up to now, I’ve had an ‘off-peak’ contract where I paid less and can only go between 8am and 4pm. In the summer months it’s awkward. I wake earlier and have wanted to get on down to the gym, but haven’t had the rights to. This week I negotiated my new ‘any-time’ contract that comes into force from 1st December. I asked the consultant to ask whoever needs to be asked if I can’t start the any time from today. They said yes, so today I tried it out. Once I’d left the house, with it being broad daylight and plenty of traffic, it could have been any time of the day. The demographic of the gym at that time of the morning is younger. By 8am I was home and showered. Much better arrangement.

At 8-30am, we had another plans meeting….

Tomorrow, hopefully, is the last.

I did almost 5 hours of work today. While I was working, I noticed an email arrive in my private inbox from Natwest. My heart sank. Here’s what it said,

“Unfortunately, we have been unable to process this request at present as we have been unable to contact you over the telephone and therefore we are unable to complete our security checks.”

What will it take to get this money! Nobody called me. I picked up the phone, phoned the UK again and expressed my frustration to the very patient lady.  She put me on hold and went off to speak to the foreign currency department. Ages later, she returned, apologising for making me hold so long and said they had reactivated the payment request and if I didn’t get a phone call before 4pm UK time, I must call again. By 6pm, SA time, the call had not come. I phoned again, went through the whole rigmarole again, explaining what I needed and being put on hold. Eventually, the next patient lady came back and said, “the money has been sent!”

#961 of my 1000 thanks – Natwest released the money!  I just checked my account and sure enough, it’s out. It should come into my SA account early next week. So much for security questions. Grateful that it’s on its way.


Psalm 146:5

Blessed is he whose hope is in the Lord his God.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 30 minutes on the treadmill.
  • 20 minutes super circuit
  • 20 minutes other exercises and stretches.


Day 10.


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