“The Crazy People at 31…”

I am the crazy people! Twenty years ago if I was called ‘crazy’ I would have absolutely been offended – I would have stressed over why I was crazy and tried to change my behaviour so no one called me crazy again.

But now I’m 50! It’s one of the advantages of getting older. I am more happy in my crazy self.

Haha! I’m the crazy people!

Let me tell you the story.

We had a new service put in and there was a bit of backward and forwarding regarding when and how. There were delays so there were a few more emails on my side. I am not a person of few words (can you tell?), so when I write, I don’t necessarily keep it short. I think a weakness I have is to ‘explain’ and that takes many words, so the poor recipient of my emails most probably was rolling his eyes back. Anyway, eventually the job was done and no more emails were needed.CrazyPerson

Then one day I opened Facebook and the service provider had commented on a neighbour’s post. He ended his post with “oh, I’ve just done an installation for the crazy people at 31.”

I laughed my head off! Then I remembered that I hadn’t received an official invoice from this service provider, so with great joy, I wrote him an email, telling him how wonderful his service was and asking him for an invoice. My signing off…

Crazy people at 31

My humour bubbled to the surface again this morning when I needed to drop said service provider a message.  In the first email, it was to ask an urgent question. After he replied and my problem was resolved, I wrote to say all was well and again signed off with “the crazy people at 31”.

I’ve told the story loads of times and laugh every time.

Be careful what you write on Facebook! It could come back to bite you.

And whatever happens, don’t be offended.

It is your choice to ‘take’ offence. Choose not to! I am not offended. I am amused! 😀 I feel bad almost – this guy is never going to live it down! Maybe it is time to stop reminding him of his Facebook faux pas!

Proverbs 19:11

“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offence.”

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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