

I never knew just how much I was missing out by not heeding the advice of friends in using coconut oil. Today I went and bought a 1kg tub from the Organic Zone on Lakeside Main Rd.

Organic ZoneThey have moved to the next shop, which is huge, spacious and much better!

Coconut OIlI also bought avocado oil, but more about that tomorrow.

The thing with Coconut oil is that it is great for inside and out! Hair & skin benefit from it, which is good, but it’s a real bomb for your health. More and more information is coming to light about how profitable it is – it’s going to become something you absolutely want to have on your shelf. It has a long shelf life and doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

Here are some of the benefits of this SUPERFOOD!

It has a high fat content which is known to increase energy and weight loss! The fat is healthy plant fat, which has amazing benefits for the brain. It’s believed to help in epilepsy and prevents Alzheimers. This is the best fat you can eat!

It helps with digestive issues, such as indigestion and  irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon).  It strengthens the immune system with its content of Lauric Acid. This also is known to fight fungus infections such as Candida (thrush). The Lauric Acid also prevents heart disease. It’s effective in controlling cholesterol  and maintaining a healthy blood pressure.  It also helps prevent damage to the bodies arteries. Sounds great!

To add it to your diet, you can use it to fry eggs, in baking, in melting over vegetables, making sauces, adding to salads and even putting it in coffee. There are many ways to consume it. Research was done on a group of women who used 30ml of coconut oil a day and found over 12 weeks, they had a reduction in their body mass index and in their waist circumference.

So, down with the dairy, up with the coconut oil and I should find myself weighing less in 12 weeks. Let’s see how it goes! Right now, I’m gearing up for another hour’s walk! Yes! Off to the golf course again, but first I need to bathe myself in sunblock!

Today, I have a Grand Statement! Psalm 11 opens with the words, “In the LORD I take refuge.” Just 6 words that can be a mantra for your life. When things go well, “In the Lord I take refuge.” When things go wrong, “In the Lord I take refuge.” When you are tempted, “In the Lord I take refuge.” When you are travelling, “In the Lord I take refuge.” When you are working, “In the Lord I take refuge.” When you are sick, lost, lonely, unhappy, glad, successful, buoyant or lazy remember to say, “In the Lord I take refuge.” Then your foundation will be secure and your eyes will be directed to the right Person.

Have a fabulous weekend!

God bless you loads!

In the Lord I take refuge!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude/Happiness Pic – This is the view from my bedroom. That’s the telescope on the balcony – a massive tanker was passing by. As I looked, I noticed something different. I think they have cut down some blue gums, opening up a little longer line of blue ocean for us to see! Yay!


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