Getting Rid Of The ‘Final 5’


This year, I’m trying to throw everything at losing weight and getting rid of the ‘final five’! I’ve hung onto these 5kg long enough. It’s time for them to go. So I’m eating low carb, upping my exercise to 5 hours a week, have got Melanie as my Personal Trainer for 2 of those hours and have put myself back on My Fitness Pal.  Today, Mel did an assessment on me and we are beginning to think that one of the things possibly stalling my weight loss is the amount of dairy I eat. I think I’m going to try an experiment and reduce it drastically and see if it makes a difference.  Mel’s suggested going easy on the animal fats Coconut oiland increasing plan fats live coconut & avocado oil. So that’s what I’ll be trying and see how it works.  I found a question regarding weight loss being stunted on a Paleo website and one person put this up as her answer – citing two reasons why too much dairy may inhibit shedding kilos…

“1) Insulin – dairy proteins are insulinogenic, which I read means they produce an insulin response, even if they aren’t carbs.

2) Hormones – most cows are milked into the late stages of pregnancy, and their milk is high in oestrogens, which are concentrated in the fat. All dairy contains a lot of hormones.  She adds, if you want to eat dairy, I suggest eating ONLY organic, no-added hormone dairy, and preferably from goats, as I believe it’s lower in hormones. ”

So there you go! Something to think about! And I’m a great ‘cream girl’. I will have to put that on hold. I can always see what happens and reintroduce it.

Apart from physical health, brain gymnastics are always fun. On Sporcle today, I found this game that does crazy things with your brain! Eventually, you’ll get it, but it took some time. Copy and paste this URL and have some fun. If you are successful, it will only take you 1 minute….

I eventually, got 30/30…

Sporcle funBut it really plays with your mind! And 2 seconds goes by VERY quickly!

For my spiritual health, I’m reading through the Bible.

Today, I read about a family reunited! When Jacob remet Esau, 20 years had passed. This was reconciliation after betrayal. Jacob had deceived his twin, Esau, manipulating their father to give him the blessing instead of Esau. It was a horrible, rotten family betrayal of one sibling stealing from another. That kind of pain runs very deep and affects the entire family. Things between the brothers would never be the same again. After all these years, Jacob initiates contact. You can imagine he would be nervous. But Esau is gracious. Genesis 33:4 says, “Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw is arms around his neck and kissed him.” Two decades is a long time to not be in contact with family. Time is a great healer. If you have betrayed someone, work on reconciliation. If you have been betrayed, offer the olive branch of peace. It doesn’t mean you will be all ‘buddy-buddy’ again, but there will be forgiveness and that is very healing. Jesus has forgiven us; we need to forgive others.

God bless you today!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude/Happiness Pic… I cannot tell you how much pleasure I am getting out of cross-stitching Granny’s picture. It doesn’t look like much now, but it’s coming along….


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