Summer Days

A beautiful summer’s day in Cape Town today. Our balcony doors have been open from early this morning and have just been closed. In fact it was that very thing that led to a conversation with Mike that made him look at me with a ?

No sooner have our house plans gone to Council, Helga wants a change. For the last 25 summers, I’ve been able to throw open the balcony doors of my bedroom and enjoy the fresh air and the view. When we move to our new house (trusting that it will be built), I won’t be able to do that. There will be no balcony off my bedroom and neither will the view windows be able to be opened. The plan was there would be massive (much bigger than we have now) picture windows.

“Mike,” I said, “I want to be able to open my bedroom windows…at least the middle view one.”

Early on in the planning, we decided to build in the balcony. It will be in the teeth of the south-easter and if we build it in, the balcony off the lounge will be protected.  I can live without the balcony off my bedroom, but on a day like today, I want to be able to open wide the view window and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Mike will make a plan! 

With the world in turmoil, certainly in the US , UK and a terrorist attack happening in Nairobi, today it felt good to be sitting at the foot of Africa.


It is something which is a great gift and one for which I am very grateful.

The birds are going manic at their nectar bottle…

Today there was a particularly aggressive sunbird  with a scary looking sharp curved beak at least as long as its head. I must try to get a photo of it. Particularly skittish, it dips and flies the moment I move which makes the photo a trick to get. The moment it’s gone, the frequent white-eyes immediately return grateful for the opportunity. The long-billed fellow is aggressive and wastes no time spiking towards any of the white-eye birds that venture too close. He really dominates the bottle.

I did 7 hours of work today. It was a good balanced day and I enjoyed it. I feel so blessed to be able to work from home.

John 14:26

“When the Father sends the Advocate as My representative – that is, the Holy Spirit – He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

The words of Jesus. Good to remember.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


A rest day.


Day 63 – that’s 9 weeks.



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