Such a Beautiful Day in Cape Town…


Today the wind has dropped and it’s such a beautiful day in Cape Town. The Corona virus seems a million miles away, although I read this morning that the global death toll now exceeds that of China.

Best to enjoy the sunshine and lap up the blue sky and gentle breeze.

After breakfast with the family, I came home to work and Mike went off to Echo. I did two loads of washing, including all the linen. The duvet cover dried in about an hour and now is back on the bed. Love the smell of fresh linen.

I’ve worked all morning and now I’m just waiting for applicants to get back to me. Normal work for me from home is like ‘self-isolating’.

Julian leaves this evening, so I thought I’d get the blog done and catch up with one or two other things that I need to do. Nice to have a little time off over lunchtime.

Since writing the above, Mike has arrived home and said someone in the area has been tested for the virus and now is in isolation. To be honest, it’s not unlikely to have thousands of people in the country who get a little virus or bug that causes symptoms similar to Corona. If they all get tested, it’s no impossible they come back negative. At least that’s what the latest statistics show…

Up to this time (13:47), there are still only 62 active cases in South Africa. We’ll see if it goes up by the end of the day.

Today, I remember where we were 9 years ago! It was Lewisham in London. Whenever, St Patrick’s Day rolls around, I remember that evening. Three years go, I documented those events on my blog. You can read it here.

Good memories!

Isaiah 9:6

Unto us a Child is born. And His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Price of Peace.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gym on hold.


1 year, 125 days.

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