State of the Nation – Ours and Others


I didn’t watch the State Of The Nation Address last night. I started seeing the humiliating FB posts – one after another – the mocking- the embarrassment – the disorder. I cringed. I did not need to see the real thing unfold in front of me. I bury my head in the sand when it comes to the downward spiral South Africa seems to be in. I don’t want to acknowledge it as it is painful and very sad to watch.

When the critics complain and harp on about the country in ruins, my response is always the same: it’s not only South Africa. Every country in the world has its problems. While there is a human population, nowhere on earth will be perfect. Do you understand that? It’s not the country that is imperfect – it’s the people. None of us could make a country perfect. We can try and improve things. We contribute to our land or we contaminate it. But because we are flawed, we cannot perfect it. It’s not possible. There will never be utopia on earth.

This is an excerpt I received from an English friend. First world Great Britain – the United Kingdom – the wealth and strength of the mighty British Sterling – where refugees across the world try and get into. Here’s what my friend writes:

“Many are dreading the next general election, which many believe will result in a Labour/Scottish Nationalist coalition, meaning the worst of all worlds.   The sense that the country is falling apart has never been stronger. ”

“The sense that the country is falling apart has never been stronger.” 

I can imagine someone writing that about South Africa, but not about the UK.

I found this website: and on it, a lady had posted her story. Here’s how it begins…


Meanwhile, over in the US, they have their fish to fry…check their debt…

US Debt

Wherever you go in the world, you will find uncertainty.

By all means, moan about South Africa. Complain about the leadership, the economy, the Eskom issues, the crime. Leave if you want to. Go. Find a better place to live, but just go with your eyes wide open. While you may find a so called ‘better’ place to live, wherever you settle on the globe will have its own issues. If you are a moaner here, you will be a moaner there too.

If you don’t want to or can’t leave, PLEASE stop complaining. It’s such an ugly trait. It’s negative and toxic.  It doesn’t do you any good.

Cape-Town-South-Africa-2Rather embrace all the good SA has to offer. We live in a beautiful country, rich with beauty and alive with variety. The pleasure you find in living wherever you are in the world will not come from outward circumstances, but will rather come from inside your heart. Change your attitude to change your life.

Ephesians 4:31-32

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour. Instead, be kind to each other, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

It’s time for each one of us to step up to the plate, take the high road and start working on our attitude….become an eternity thinker…knowing that there is more to this life than what we see around us. God is in control. He wants to fill us with His Holy Spirit and to live a life that is abundant in and through Him.

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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