Saturday Strolling


Dear Elsie

Today I managed to get a bit of video of the cats wrestling. They are so funny in that they get stuck into fighting, then suddenly stop to clean themselves before launching again. I put a couple of minutes of video on YouTube. I need to start a YT channel for them.

Today was also the day we did some Saturday strolling. This entails walking down to Fish Hoek and visiting the second hand shops. There are always things to see on the way and usually people to speak to. On the cat walk we met our neighbours who were going to go for a swim! It was a cool day with a north wind blowing. Rain is forecast tonight & there was a chance of rain this morning. Then we stopped to admire a stone bench – Courage has the skill to make one of these on our land if we could find a spot.

We stopped at Oasis & then walked down to Cyril’s much further down Fish Hoek Main Rd. He had a beautiful hand made rocking chair which came with a rocking stool. It was really well crafted and surprisingly comfortable, but I have my rocking chair and I don’t need another.

Home by noon in time for my weekly chat with Stacey and (you my darling Elsie). That was fun. I watched you swinging fast and high on your indoor hammock! And I saw the new office. It looks fabulous.

In the afternoon I went shopping before coming home and spending a sort of relaxing afternoon. The reason why it wasn’t wholly so is because the TV has the cricket on and with SA in not really peak condition, I’ve got cricket stress in waiting for them to lose against Australia, again. Please Proteas, prove me wrong!

Today is also the 16th anniversary of my brother’s death. Arnie died on 9-9-2007. He is missed.

Psalm 147:4
He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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