Remembering My Mothers

I did this last year. It’s great for me to repeat it on Mother’s Day 2016.  I remember and celebrate the lives of my two Moms.

There’s my Mom laughing at something from Mike’s speech. I get so many of my qualities from her.

Ma at my weddingHer optimism is my optimism. Her joy for life and sense of humour flow liberally through my veins too. Her hazel eyes regularly look back at me from my mirror and if I get too used to mine,  I just need to look at my brother’s eyes to be reminded of exactly the colour of my Mom’s.  And these words that spill so easily from my mind and tumble onto the screen of my computer are a gift in equal offering from both my parents. While my Dad was a journalist, Ma LOVED word games. (So friends, when you see me playing scrabble on my cell phone, please blame Ma – it’s in my DNA!)

She could not sing, she cooked to feed, she didn’t sew or garden, but she baked a mean batch of crunchies. She was accomplished and clever,  she was kind and generous. She attracted people to her and loved socialising. She died at 72. It was too early, by about 18 years, but I am so glad she got to see me marry and to enjoy her grandchildren, Darryl, Stacey & Jessica. I am so glad I got to see her come to faith.

I have her Bible and in it was this note in her hand-writing.  She probably heard it in a sermon and wrote it down. I have it stuck on my cupboard as a forever reminder of its truth and of the one who wrote it.

Note in her Bible

And then there’s Mike’s Mom, aka Granny. Because I spent so much time with her in recent years, I took a lot of photos of her.

There is no other way to remember Granny than with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. She was a wonderful Mom-in-law and when she died we rejoiced that she was with Jesus and out of her broken and frail body. She loved having her hair done and she loved flowers…

Granny Mike David

As I look at these, some of my favourite photos of her, I remember her amazing, hardworked hands –  her soft skin and her striking blue eyes…

Granny in the gardenThere are no regrets. There are thousands of photos and there are many many good memories…

Granny in Davids hat

Granny playing the piano….

Granny playing the pianoLooking happy on her 87th birthday…

This is Granny on her 87th birthday - 7th August 2011

This is Granny on her 87th birthday – 7th August 2011

I have a lot to be thankful for in having these two wonderful Moms. After all,

Mom is wow upside downLove that!

Proverbs 1:8-9

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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