Procedure One Done & Dusted

We didn’t know how today would roll. We both felt a bit betwixt & between.

We got up early. I had work to do which I started. Mike then called me down to redo the recording I had done yesterday. He had tweaked the mic and felt it was much better qualify. That took all of 5 minutes. I had a Skype call at 7-30am, which ended by 8-15. By 8-30 I was at the gym and got home at about 10am. I had a shower and coffee and then got back to work until it was almost time for us to leave for Mike’s first eye procedure.

Mike had to sign a consent form for his Fluorescein Angiogram and so we read through all of that ahead of time. It included the possible side effects – one was anaphylactic shock which could land him in ICU, if it didn’t kill him. That didn’t endear confidence in our hearts or minds. Before 2pm, we left home and soon arrived at our destination…

We will get used to going to this place. We are there again on Thursday and then monthly for the next few months.  Mike had drops put in his eyes and then he had the painless, very quick procedure, after which he asked the doctor a lot of questions which she patiently answered.

Job done!

#498 of my 1000 thanks is that all went well. My friends were praying and their prayers were answered!

So while I was sitting waiting for Mike, I was reading is it Woman @ Home? A magazine like that. Just paging through it I found frequently asked questions on menopause.  I found this one that was so very interesting. You don’t want to be too thin after menopause. Some fat is useful because it assists with oestrogen. I took a photo…

Mike felt fine afterwards. His vision was a bit blurred and sensitive, but he wore his sun glasses and we went out for an early supper, relieved it was all over!

Proverbs are full of interesting wisdom:

Proverbs 29:4

By justice a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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