

Powerless for most of the afternoon. I had only been home long enough to brew some coffee when “phewt”, the electricity went off and we were without internet connectivity, TV entertainment & landline communication. Our home phones’ batteries are kaput and so very quickly were not useable! I had a fine ol’ time, lying on the bed reading my book  & then had a little nap. My cell phone ringing woke me up.

After I got off the phone, I came downstairs, climbed up on a chair and got down the double gas plate thingymajig and  took it outside. After looking dubiously at the very rusty gas cylinder, I bravely plugged it into the gas plate and struck a match to boil some water for Granny’s afternoon tea….

Success! Now we have fish ready for frying, potatoes ready for boiling and dinner is only a couple of steps away from availability. One thing we do have is hot water…the electricity may be off, but the sun is not!

Gizmo, the neighbour’s cat, was lounging on our bedroom balcony when I got home. He is a very normal snooty cat, who most times does not invite affection. Today was different. He happily came inside and sidled up to me, keen to sit on the bed, purring and kneading and looking up at me adoringly….

I think, believe it or not, he’s also missing Monty. Later I found him lying outside in the sand, just chilling and having a good stretch…

Beautiful cat! I have been asked by a number of people, ‘what did Granny say about Monty?’ You have to know Granny’s condition to understand that Granny doesn’t ‘say’ much! *** We never told her what happened to Monty. She saw David and I trying to catch him and then she went to her room. We left for the vet. When we got back, she was asleep, so we never said a word to her about him. She may wonder what happened to him, but she hasn’t tried to ask.

*** For those of you new to reading my blog, my 87 year old Mother-in-law aka ‘Granny’ has semantic dementia and can’t find words when she wants to speak, so she ends up not speaking at all. When she does speak, it’s quite an interesting exercise trying to figure out what she is saying. We are her family and we don’t always understand her. But one thing I can tell you, this lady is a saint! She puts up with our coming and going, being fed whatever WE feel like, & falling into OUR routine without so much as a look of discontent. One thing she always knows how to say is THANK YOU. She’s remarkable. We hope to be able to keep her at home until she breathes her last. Sweet Granny. I love her!

I read this beautiful Bible verse this morning:

Psalm 68:19  “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens”.

Daily – Every day, every minute, every second 24/7, including public holidays and weekends.
Bears – Carries, takes care of,  off our shoulders and onto His.
Our – Yip, yours and mine.
Burdens – All of them, big, small, health, financial, psychological, physical, spiritual, social. Every. Single. One!

Don’t forget to thank Him!

Yeah! I’m in HIS Grip,

God bless you!

Love Helga xx 🙂

PS. Electricity came in at just after 4-30pm.

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