Out & About Friday

Out and about today. Breakfast with Julian and Mike before Mike went off to Paarden Eiland again. Julian gave me a ride home and then left for the morning. I did some work and then Leanne picked me up for my Friday meeting. It was good to get together again, albeit with a few missing…

I met Julian at 1pm for a bite at Noordhoek Deli.

While we were there, Mike phoned to say that he was finished and on his way to the window place. We had made a plan to meet him at a window company to take a look at the sizes of windows.  So, we left Noordhoek and headed for Capricorn Park. The GPS took us via Military Rd. The railway line booms were stuck in the down position so there was a points-man on duty. The queue was backed up almost to the Main Rd. It took us a while to get through, but once we had navigated through that intersection, we were there in no time.

After our visit, we were all on the same page as far as the windows for the build go and Mike is able to put the measurements onto the plans. It’s another inch towards sending the plans to the architect!

When we got home, I had a little work to do but was so tired. I lay down on my bed and snoozed off. It was wonderful!!

#728 of my 1000 thanks is for that refreshing sleep! I woke up feeling so much better. There’s something else I was so happy about today:

#729 of my 1000 thanks is that the guy from our medical aid phoned, apologised for the issue regarding the stale cheque and asked me if he could send me a form to change payment to an EFT system instead of a cheque! Hallelujah! It was quite interesting because Mike has been on the brink of changing medical aids. I have been quite happy with ours and this little piece of efficiency pushed us to stay.

Julian arrived before about 5pm and we then drove back to Echo and went for a walk along Fish Hoek Beach. That was also great. Dinner at the Galley and now we are home. Stacey has just called and I spent an hour on the phone to her, catching up and hearing all Elsie’s news. She is 2 months tomorrow! 😀

Weekend!  Mike is pleased he doesn’t have any more training to do in Paarden Eiland, for the moment at least!

Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid I will trust in You.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

No gym today.

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