Number 5

Mike and I woke in the night. Mike and I discussed the time. I said I thought it was 4am. He looked at his phone and  said it was 3-30am. The cat meowed.  “What’s wrong with the cat?” Mike asked. I rolled onto my side, burying my head against my pillow. “What was that?” Mike said. “What did you hear?” “That sounded suspicious – that was something breaking. I’m going to investigate!” “No!” I said, “You are absolutely not.” I phoned YMA and whispering into the phone, I explained we had heard a very suspicious sound. There was a patrol car in the area. They would come right away. They came and entered our property. On investigating they found there had been a lot of activity.

  1. Back door metal plate Mike had on the lock had been removed.
  2. They had tried to remove a window of the back guest door, but had not been successful.
  3.  Finally, a brick had been used to break the window of Mike’s study. They then had opened the window and pulled back the curtains to see what was inside.

Mike had heard the glass breaking.

By the time YMA had arrived, they had run. They had put incredibly heavy concrete garden benches on top of each other against the wall, pushed off the metal spikes and got over the wall. They were tracked about 3oom down the path to a road where there appeared to be a vehicle.  They were gone.

I agreed with Mike that while it is infuriating, we are becoming a little immune to the emotional trauma and violation of these events. I also feel we were psychologically prepared for this. We are safe. I also get the sense we are closing in on them. They will be caught.

I phoned the 24-hour glass place and for a sizable fee, they came and fixed the window.  Tomorrow, the new burglar bars arrive. One more night!

When we told the neighbourhood watch, we got an interesting response that may lead to an arrest. The police were very prompt, coming to take finger prints and getting various photos.

We live in exciting times.

Psalm 25:1-2

Lord, I put my life in your hands.  I trust in you, my God, and I will not be disappointed.

#421 of my 1000 thanks is for unexplained peace. It may not last but it’s here now.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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