No 2 Sunrises are the Same


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day that was windless and balmy although there was also lots of cloud, making it more of a fancourt slate kind of day….mostly grey. Early this morning we watched what looked like a satellite – it may have been the international space station, but that’s a guess. It seemed to be moving, but not as fast as the ISS is said to move. If it was the ISS, we would have looked like this from up there (this photo is dated April 2021 and comes from

Our sunrise today looked like this…it made me reflect that no 2 sunrises are ever the same…

The rest of the day unfolded in a useful sort of way. We did a couple of loads of washing. Julian arrived. I did 6 or 7 hours of work. Mike put down a bunch of pavers outside his study door.

He had help finishing it and it will certainly stop sand from blowing in.

No two days are the same either. We went to the beach this morning. The water is warming up. This morning it was about 16C. It was not clear and there were streaks of red tide. I also passed a plump blue bottle. A good day to keep my head above the water. I was in for at least half an hour. So lovely.

Isaiah 11:10
In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to Him, and His resting place will be glorious.

This is why, it’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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