New Telkom Phone

This is sort of like going backwards. We have an internet line that does not need an ADSL, so over the last few months Telkom have been hounding us to say we will be losing our landline if we don’t accept their new wireless phone. Two or three days ago, the doorbell went and there was a courier with a new phone from Telkom. Within an hour, our regular cordless land line phones no longer worked and we now are stuck with one phone in the house which rings in one place. When Stacey phoned yesterday, instead of walking around or doing dishes or making the bed while we chatted, I had to sit in my study.

It is wireless and apparently has a battery in it so you can move it from place to place but it generally needs to be plugged into power most of the time.

It did not come with a manual, but Stacey did find the 79 page manual online…which she kindly sent us.

Now I just have to read it!

We do feel we are going backwards, but once I have read the manual, I may feel differently about this ‘fixed wireless terminal!’

Today was a beautiful day. Warm- rather – hot berg winds were blowing when the day began. By later this afternoon the temperature had cooled considerably and there was a hint of rain.

I did some chores this morning and had a very relaxing day. David came for lunch and we watched some tennis.

I have been reading Alice in Wonderland. I’ve almost finished. To hurry it along a bit, I found the online audio book (dramatic version). This way I can do other stuff while listening to it and the different voices really brings it to life.

Lewis Carroll – what an imagination! “Off with their heads!”

The next book I will read is The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck published in 1931. I have no idea of what it is about. Julian gave it to me thinking I will enjoy it, so we will see. By the skin of my teeth I’ve managed a book a month so far this year. Some people scoff at that, claiming they read a book a week, but reading through the Bible in a year also allows me to clock up more than 52 books in a year. I’m trying to read the 66 in the Bible plus 12 others.

2 Timothy 4:2

Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke and encourage.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


No gym. I’ve done 7050 steps. With the weather cold and the rain coming, we shortened our walk and came home early. I’ll just have to say that with yesterday’s 15000 steps, it has averaged out for today!


Day 194.

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