New Month, May 1st 2012!


Another public holiday in South Africa and I woke early to do the Rise and Shine show. It was a quiet one. The day was different in that Mike had some computer work to do, so he got up just after 5am and made me a giant cappuccino…

The mug says ‘have a new you by Friday!’ But why wait?

2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” You don’t have to wait until Friday to become a new creation!

Love it!

I played around with my cell phone camera and set up the timer to take some instudio photos. The only problem was that in ‘playing around’ with it, I inadvertently changed the size of the photo and reduced the quality by about a zillion %…

Not great! On the way home, I hadn’t realised the problem and continued to snap away amazing photos of the sea as flat as glass…

I’ve put the settings back to the top resolution. I’ll try not to make that mistake again.

After getting home, I climbed back into bed and slept until after 11am! 🙂 Then I got up and made stew for lunch and now I am really, really, REALLY feeling like chocolate, so once I’ve posted this, I’ll be off to find some.

The new month has begun. Here it is, Lord. I commit it to You. MAY it be the best May EVER!

In His Grip,

Helga x 🙂

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