Mike Worked His Backside Off – Helga Did Nothing

That was nature of the day! How bad is that? I woke early and went and watched TV. I made coffee for Mike and I. Then at 8am I went to gym and Mike went for a run.

By 10am I was back.  James the Gardener had arrived and was hard at work. Mike had overalls on and was fixing the outside toilet when he was called by passing JWs.  That resulted in a long conversation, during which I arrived home. When they gave up on Mike and left, I asked him what he had said to him. Mike loves speaking to people about how much God loves them.  Mike told them about the Tent of Meeting – The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. (Exodus 33:11). Mike said he has high ambitions about speaking to the Lord face to face, but if that doesn’t happen here on earth, then he wanted to be like Joshua and just stay in the company of God.  As Mike told me what he had said, one thing struck me about him – he was glowing. His eyes brightened with the love of God and the pure presence of the Holy Spirit. You can’t manufacture those things.

Mike went back to fixing the toilet. I had a shower, had breakfast and climbed into bed! Mike had a little break and then went to finish the job. I stayed in bed!

He needed to buy something for his plumbing job, so he went to the shop and bought what he needed as well as some groceries. I stayed in bed!

I was just so tired, but I didn’t want to go to sleep.

Mike finally finished fixing the outside toilet AND he also put a new toilet seat on our bathroom loo. It’s 23 years old, so it was time. What a pleasure!

I couldn’t believe it. It’s so much better.

After he finished and went to shower, I made him lunch and tea and then coffee (I was trying to make up for my tardiness). Then while he was watching golf, I cleaned the lounge and made dinner.  So I finished well.

The only person complaining about my laziness was me. Mike was encouraging me to do nothing! I told him I just felt I worked all week and finally I had day to have a slack attack but I needed to get my act together to clean the house.  Ah well, the dust will still be there tomorrow.

It’s been a good day! The weather has been fabulous. Hardly a breath of wind. James did a fine job and the garden is looking nicely cut.

Psalm 117:1-2

Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol Him, all peoples! For great is His steadfast love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


I ran 3km and then cycled 10km. Then I did a Pilates class.  (No wonder I was so tired!)

The crazy thing is that I have this watch that counts my steps, so I’m trying to do  10000 steps a day. 3km doesn’t get me enough, then on the bike, there are no steps and there are very few in Pilates, so I ended up doing almost 2 hours of exercise and still needing to go for a walk to get my steps in.


Day 151


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