Today’s been a good day! I did about an hour of work and then went to gym. I am suddenly feeling fitter. I can go to gym, have a solid hour-long work-out and not be exhausted for the rest of the day! It’s a good feeling and makes me want to go back tomorrow! Today I ran (really, really slowly) for 30 minutes. When I told David how far I had run in that time, he was underwhelmed! But I did it and then did the circuit, stepping in between.
After showering and having breakfast, I worked for a number of hours. What a pleasure to have a space to sit and work.
#478 of my 1000 thanks is for my desk and work station. Comfortable chair, great working equipment. I’m all set up and I appreciate it.
At 2pm, Mike and I headed to the other house that I co-own with my brother. What I didn’t tell you (we have all had enough of crime, right?), is that Saturday before last, someone climbed in through the bathroom window at that house and stole my brother’s laptop.
Grrrrr!!! Anyway, there has always been the infrastructure at the house for an alarm. Today it was connected. And it is LOUD! While we were there, we did some marking and measuring. We want to build at the back and we are edging (just ever so slowly) to this becoming a possibility. This is looking up at the land we want to build on…
So the current house is right at the front of the plot. Looking at it from just above the entrance to where we want to build, it looks like this…
This is higher up…
And this is right at the top…
Mike took down some measurements and at the moment, we may meet with a team on Monday. This is a preliminary team meeting. I am very excited about it, but I must not get my hopes up. I am one side of the building spectrum – can’t get it done fast enough – pray – trust the builder – let’s go. Mike is on the other – pray, ask a million questions, plan, discuss, unpack, think, ponder, plan, count, re-evaluate – sleep on it, pray, meet, reconsider. I keep telling him there must be a middle point of the spectrum where we can comfortably meet.
We are getting there….to that comfortable place.
I need to keep reminding myself that Mike needs to be heard. I am the listener.
Thank you Jesus for my wonderful husband who listens to me back! Our wedding invitation had this Bible verse on it…
I had no news today about the guy that was caught by YMA trying to get over our back wall. I just know he did try. I’m not sure if the police let him go. I tried calling Detective Mazingi but he was out.
I did have news of Aunty Wyn. My heart sank as I read Rowena’s message to me. If Granny’s decline is anything to go by, she has some way to go still before being promoted to eternity. She is still getting up (on good days) to go to the dining room, although she eats like a bird and is confused at times. She’s 95 on Friday and it looks like she will make it. I pray that the Lord will allow her to go quietly, peacefully and painlessly. To die of old age is not for sissies. You can linger and it’s so difficult for the family to watch. The weeks seem like years. I’m so glad I could send Aunty Wyn news that Stacey is pregnant. If she understood it, she will be thrilled!
Time for me to skedaddle off to the airport to pick up Julian. 🙂
These are the days!
Keep the smile going!
God bless you!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂