It was hard to watch the SA vss Wales RWC quarter final last night. SA was ahead. Then Wales edged forward. Then SA was ahead. Then the Welsh. Finally, we got the better of them and we won.
Heyneke Meyer nearly burst a blood vessel when Fourie du Preez scored the winning try.
It’s hard to lose, especially when just about the whole country is watching.
But losing is part of life.
You have to learn to accept it and recover from it.
Losing keeps you humble.
SA lost to Japan.
It probably was the best thing that could have happened to the Springboks. Don’t ever rest on your laurels. Victory/defeat is just one game away. Losing to Japan was humiliating for the Boks to the extreme. Every game since, they’ve had that awful loss hanging over their heads. JAPAN! Of all minnow countries beat the “mighty” Springboks. Ha. Not so mighty after all. Humility.
The All Blacks crushed France. SA knows how the French feel. We lost to Japan. We face the All Blacks next. They look unbeatable. But life is strange. Maybe the All Blacks will rest on their laurels. What goes around often comes around. Perhaps the humiliation of SA at the hands of the Japs and the thrashing of the French by New Zealand is not the end. Maybe, just maybe….I know it’s unlikely, but just maybe we can snatch a victory at the hands of defeat. We go in as the underdogs.
Losing keeps you humble.
Mike has been playing league golf. The victories are sweet! The massive competitive streak that courses through our veins is strong. We want to win. We want the flippin’ ball to get in the hole asap! I stand in silence, focussed on the ball, willing it to drop. A lot of times, it doesn’t. There have been losses. It’s hard to lose. But losing is part of life and we are adjusting to the sucky feeling and learning to pick ourselves up a little quicker. We say, ‘next time’! We look at the positives from the game. We concentrate on what we can take away from the game. We move on.
When there are victories in our lives, embrace and enjoy them, for their seem to be more loss than wins. Fist pump every little joy. It is hard earned.
Ultimately, it’s not about winning or losing in this world.
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Win or lose, we have a greater hope!
Keep the smile going.
God bless you!
In His Grip,
Helga xx