New Beginnings

Today something new and different happened. This morning there was no alarm clock. We woke up when our bodies decided to wake up. It was 6-30am that we stirred. Mike mumbled how wonderful it felt. I said I’d make him coffee. He said he’d make me coffee. I said, ‘no, I’ll make you coffee.’ He said, ‘really?’ So I made him coffee. 7-50 cappuccino

It’s day 1.

You could pretty much say Mike begins ‘semi-retirement’ today. He will only be working Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.   Monday and Friday he’s off. Every weekend is a long weekend! I am ecstatic!

When he is home, I feel protected, accepted and respected. I love having him home.

Today we find a new routine.

Retirement next exit

He retires fully in just over 4 months time, but for now, he’s only working part time.

I have work. Mike has projects.

We do a bit of work before meeting for tea. We watch the news, discuss the plans for the day and go back to what we were doing. We’ve had some experience in this. When Mike took 2 weeks off a month or two ago, we got into a comfortable routine. It was tough when he went back to work.

Today, I feel like doing backflips, but if I tried, I’m sure I’d break something! 🙂

In weeks gone by, I have been very busy with the online work that I do. But this week, the company for whom I work have their annual conference, so they are all away! They’ve sent me through a little work, but it won’t be as much as I usually get, which is great. It’s been a bit overwhelming these last few weeks.

Work is an important part of life. In an economy where jobs are hard to come by, it’s not always easy to find one. Online work has been a great option for me and I am blessed to have got this particular job.

Working keeps me out the shops! Even when Mike retires, I don’t think he’ll stop working!

Even Paul had something to say in that regard,

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.

I pray for your success.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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