Loose Lips Sink Ships

I’m sure I mentioned this in a previous blog. Loose lips sink ships.

Unguarded talk!

It came to mind the other day when I put the seed ball out for the sun birds. The huge greedy starlings make short work of the seed ball, so when I hear them coming, I scare them away. That’s the problem with starlings. They are loud and their unguarded talk immediately makes me know they are there….they can only ever get away with a few mouthfuls….here’s one of them…

The seed balls are really for the sweet sunbirds that come quietly, pecking gently, carefully and cautiously…

They take small mouthfuls, don’t make as much mess and are not as greedy.

The loose lips of the starlings give them away and I rush outside onto my balcony as a ‘come-alive scarecrow!’

Proverbs 13:3

Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself.

Matthew 12:37

The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.

We have to mind what we say. If you are not sure what to say, best to say nothing. Sadly, I’ve had to learn the hard way.

Today is another glorious autumn day in Cape Town. The day began with me marching up Harrington Rd in Fish Hoek with Riana. Harrington Road is a 364m steep incline that is always a good workout. In San Michele, we often used to walk up Sapphire Way which is 447m from Emerald Crescent to the very top, the steepest part of which is 341m. Pretty much the same amount of effort is required to carry one up each of these two hills!

On arriving home, I dealt with some work issues before having breakfast. I then worked until lunchtime. After that, Mike and I went for a walk around the block and now the blog is done.  I’ll be going back to work in a few moments.

#288 of my 1000 thanks is for the lovely cyclamen my husband bought for me yesterday! 🙂 The romance is forever!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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