Looking at Couches


Today was the day…

We took the afternoon off and went on a couch hunt. We actually didn’t know this was our mission. Initially, we were off to look for a laptop. We left later than intended and went further than we needed (Canal Walk). After looking at a couple of computer stores, we stumbled upon a furniture store and a little lightbulb went on! Aha! We are on a couch hunt. We have been in our new house for almost two years and bought over all our old furniture so we could settle in and decide what we wanted. Now we know. We don’t want our decades old leather couches. They are still great and I love leather, but they can go spend the rest of their life in the cottage and we can get something new. A lighter colour leather L-shape couch is what we have in mind. We looked at three main ones.

This humungous one was first…. massive couch – big price tag! Imported from Italy. Press a button and the chair on the left reclines. Press another button and sun bed on the right extends.

Onto another store…this one was too small…

This one was more of a possibility…

We need to look some more. There is no rush. Possibility 2023 will be the year of the couch.

We bought a whole lot of things including gifts for Elsie!

Meanwhile, over the sea in Bangkok, David made a purchase of his own!

It’s a foldable bike for him to use in South Korea and then to fold up and bring home. He bought it & then cycled 10km. He had joined a gym while in Bali and done some serious spinning, so his 10k jaunt was easier than expected. He is looking very fit and trim. He said he is always trying to compare his fitness to 10 years ago. David doesn’t read my blog so he didn’t know Mike had run 12.5km the other week. Here (for Future Family benefit) is our Whatsapp exchange.

You can imagine how much Mike laughed at “Dad is such a beast!”

Before we left for our outing, Mike and I cleaned the Seaview apartment because another couple of guests checked in this evening. They arrived not long after we got home from Canal walk. We were late because as we were leaving,  I discovered the parking ticket had got lost in the Mall when I pulled the shopping list out of the same pocket it was in. The penalty was less than 2 Euros (this is when converting to a foreign currency is helpful!) It did delay us getting home though.

2 Corinthians 12:9
“He said to me, ‘My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.’

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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