Long Day, Short Blog!


Today was the day…

That I worked a very long day – almost 9 hours. The reason why I’ve got so much work right now is that it’s the last couple of days of the month and we are trying to meet deadlines before month-end. Long Day, Short Blog.

We didn’t head for the beach this morning as it was windy. Mike took Courage down to Clovelly to unpot plants from some big pots and bring them back. It means I now have a fuchsia in my bedroom so I’m reading articles like How to Grow Fuchsias indoors. Guess what? They don’t do well inside, so I’m going to have to rethink my strategy and relocate it to the balcony and I think a shady spot may do the trick – they don’t like direct sunlight. Maybe it will survive the winter and can relocate to our floor’s porch once that is done. I think it will like that area. I love Fuchsias because they were Aunty Wyn’s favourite flower and she had a lot of them hanging on her patio. I spent many hours on that patio! This is what I hope for! (Picture from Gardeningknowhow.com)

This evening after dinner, I had what I haven’t had for a few months – a bath! It was wonderful. I watched the daylight fade and evening come. It’s the bath with the view of Fish Hoek – this was when the house was still being built and the window was dirty!

It’s just so relaxing just chilling in this – even without the spa pump on. I watched night fall and the lights of Fish Hoek start to shine. Out of the smaller window I could see trees silhouetted on the mountain behind.  Mike is now enjoying it and I’m getting my blog done. Time to relax.

Isaiah 55:12

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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