Lock Down Day 25


Today was the day…

It rained! It was chilly and wet and the rain half filled the back tank.

I moved downstairs to work and Mike got on with preparing our upstairs for painting. I had three Skype appointments and ended up working for more than 8.5 hours.

Mike baked bread. He followed the raisin bread recipe. Only thing is the bread machine beeps loudly when the raisins have to go in. When the beep came, neither of us were near by. The TV was blaring. The beep got drowned out. The raisins didn’t go in! But it was a mighty fine loaf of bread….

After work, Mike and I watched a Grand Design and after that, Julian and I had a nice chat. I also caught up with David, who is isolating on his own at Echo. He said he went up to our floor today and enjoyed the view of the sea and mountains in the rain. Lucky boy! He is working for the school group in China, only he’s working from here.

Latest Corona stats look like this…

USA to Ireland…

And South Africa for yesterday. Today’s haven’t been released…

Today I’ve been so absorbed with work that Covid-19 was further than my mind than it has been for a long time. Tomorrow, I think, will be quieter and I may be able to help Mike or do some of the puzzle.

Matthew 17:20

I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seen, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.’

Have a little faith – everything will be all right.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


1 year and 159 days

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