Lock Down Day 18


Today was the day:

I found my 2008 diary that had numbers of pages that started with “Today was the day” followed by a list of things that happened that day. It was so informative and interesting, even though they were everyday events, like went to the beach, Stacey flew to Pretoria, Adrian made potjiekos, David did his learner’s. I was disappointed when they stopped. I guess this blog fills the same role. I started this blog in 2010, but can’t find that year. I’ve got a record back to 24th June 2011 on a different platform. This one takes off in November 2011. Next year a decade of daily ramblings.

Today was the day I started deep cleaning my study area. It’s off our bedroom and has the paperwork of 31 years in this house. It also has loads of old technology. I had a grand old time sorting it out. I cleaned the top of the cupboards in readiness for painting. I shredded stacks of paper and I packed two boxes, which I’ve stored in a cupboard. When it comes to moving, they are good to go.

Mike baked bread and in the evening, I swept leaves for exercise. It has been super still – hardly a breath of wind and with the lock down, the roads are quiet. It’s very very quiet.

I am blessed to have my regular job carrying on. It was lovely to have most of the weekend off and have a bit of a break. I worked for less than 2 hours today but will go back to my full quota tomorrow.

Corona stats world-wide continue to rise…

The US so far today has had 972 new deaths (just refreshed it’s now 981). That’s the equivalent of two Boeing 747s crashing in one day with all lives lost (yesterday there were 1500+ deaths).😨

South Africa has recorded 99 new cases today as well as two deaths. I have put the Africa table below, so SA is up at the top. Today at noon it was the half way mark of the new lock down dates. God willing we start to reopen after midnight on the last day of April.

John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.

We have hope.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


1 year and 5 months (152 days)

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