Last Day of May


Dear Elsie

Today is the last day of May. I went into the CCFm studio for a quick visit with Jonathan and Rachel who present the Breakfast with Friends show. Jonathan replaced me when I ended my radio career 10 years ago yesterday. It was quite fun to be on air and have a short chat with them.

That done, I came home to work.

There was another last today. Apart from being the last day of May it was the last time my bedroom windows will be without curtains. This happened this week.

And today I was told to go work elsewhere. When I got back, this had happened.

They are perfect. It’s taken us 3 and a half years to decide we want curtains in our bedroom. We always thought it may obstruct the view. There were two things that influenced our decision. The first is that it’s winter, so the sun is no longer rising over by Pringle Bay – it’s now rising closer to the Helderberg, so the angle is directly in through our bedroom windows. WE have blinds but they don’t provide complete coverage. The other thing is when Mike was sick, he moved up to Julian’s apartment to recover. Julian has curtains and Mike saw what a difference they made.Β  They definitely soften the windows. Now I want them in the lounge.

We’ve had some lovely sunsets recently. This was this evening.

…and this was yesterday evening.

One of the most moving moments ever written was in my Bible reading this morning.

John 19:30
When He had received the drink, Jesus said, β€œIt is finished.” With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx πŸ™‚




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