Joy & Spontaneity


12/12/12 what a fun date! Generally I am not a very spontaneous person. There is a time for everything in my life. There is a time to get up and a time to pray.There is a time to write and a time to read.There is a time to leave for work and a time to get into the studio. Clearly! I am very time bound! Sometimes, when you try something spontaneous, it doesn’t work! Today I had successful spontaneity!!

But first, part of my scheduled day after the show, was to celebrate with Fusy and Sisanda who recently married! They met  at CCFm Which is quite special!

Then it was off to see Andrew at Revelstone which was great! Always good to visit him. I left Revelstone at 11-50am and was very aware that the clock was fast approaching 12-12pm. And so began the spontaneity.  “Where can I go?” I thought! “What place is around here? Ahhh, Friends Cafe!!!” I headed off to Friends, parked and burst in with enthusiasm and expectation. No one was there apart from the waiters. “Hello!” I said,  “I’ve come to get the party started!” They thought I was bringing in a whole lot of people for a party! “No!” I exclaimed! “Look at the time! It’s almost 12…in 12 minutes it will be 12:12pm on 12/12/12!” They got it!! Signs were hastily made! Before getting to Friends, I had called PJ to find out if he was nearby, but there was no reply. The clock edged towards 12:12pm. As it got there, Ryan, the waiter, was about to take my photo when my cell phone rang! It was PJ!!! Spot on 12:12 on 12/12/12, I took his call! I didn’t give him a chance to speak, hastily explaining where I was. Then I hung up, grabbed my sign and smiled for the camera…

🙂  All the others had their photos taken and there was much sharing of pics! It became a fantastic memory! I won’t forget where I was on this day, at that time!

I posted the photo onto FB and settled down for some lunch and work. A pretty lady came into the restaurant which was now filling with the lunchtime crowd. She took the table next to me with her two delightful children. The little girl eyed me out, so I winked at her. What a cutie pie! Imagine my surprise, when she came up to my table and whispered, “I’m Shayla”, followed by her brother, “I’m Malachi!” The Mom smiled across at me, Cherie, Malachi and Shayla!!! Aaaah, penny dropped! They regularly sms into the Rise and Shine show. She had time for a quick coffee, came in, sat down, opened her cell phone to FB, saw my pic, saw Friends Cafe, looked up and there I was!! How funny is that?!

Such lovely children!

Now I am home and have just had tea with Riana and Granny on the patio. That was great! Granny is now walking around the patio examining the plants! Sausages are in the oven. Show prep for tomorrow is done. I need to work on Boxing Day’s show and then I’m up to speed!

12/12/12 may not be a significant date, but it certainly is a fun one to celebrate. Whatever happens, we must use our time wisely and usefully…

Luke 19:13 Before He left, He called together ten of His servants and divided among them ten pounds of silver, saying, ‘Invest this for me while I am gone.’

Investing on behalf of Jesus, in time and in wealth, through thick and thin, all through life…

Keep on keeping on!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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