It’s like Fish Hoek Beach on steroids


All is well with the world out here in Betty’s Bay – it is so quiet. I learned that there is a permanent population of only about 2000 residents living in 650 houses. The rest are holiday homes where people come and go as their schedules permit.

Yesterday afternoon Mike and I walked down to the beach for a swim. As we were about to leave, I noticed a control burn at a nearby open piece of land…

Controlled burnOnce we got to the beach, the first thing I noticed when entering the water is that the tidal surge is a whole lot stronger. First wave that arrived, I got dunked! It’s like Fish Hoek Beach on steroids! There is a sign warning you of strong rip tide. I was very careful after that!

On our return, we assembled dinner and enjoyed the sun setting over Betty’s Bay…

Sun setting over BBAnd after a good night’s sleep, we enjoyed the sun rising over BB…

Sun rising over BBI made coffee and a light breakfast. We lay in bed admiring the view from our bedroom…

Room with a view - bedroom viewLater I went for a walk around the vlei…

MalkopsvleiKite surfers had come out to play…

Kite surfers came out to play…. and so had a troop of baboons, who delightedly made use of an open window…this was at a house we passed as we were on our way to breakfast proper…

Baboons came out to playWe stopped to take a photo – 3 of them. One on the top, one on the right and one around the corner. We called the armed response number which was on the wall. When we returned the window was closed and there was nary a baboon in sight!

We came home via the church we intend visiting tomorrow morning, so now we know where Lakeside Chapel is! I am about to make tea and a lazy afternoon is ahead of us.

Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.

When I encountered this Bible verse not so long ago, it reminded me of this poem:

Money can buy a house, but not a home.
Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.
Money can buy a clock, but not time.
Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.
Money can buy position, but not respect.
Money can buy blood, but not life.
Money can buy food, but not an appetite.
Money can buy insurance, but not safety.
Money can buy a good funeral, but not eternal life.

Good to remember!

God bless you enormously.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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