It Is What It Is

This is a favourite phrase of mine. It is what it is.

It is what it is

And the reason why I love it is because it reminds me that when you can’t change circumstances you need to adjust, do the best you can under the circumstances and move on.

There are going to be stacks of things that happen in life that can’t be helped. They may be my own fault (like when I put water in my car, but I put it where the oil goes!) or they may be the fault of others – like the massive truck that passed me, scraping my side mirror as he went. He didn’t stop and that was that. It is what it is. Unavoidable, irritating, it can’t be helped – move on.

While there are myriads of things we can control in our lives, there are equal numbers that we can’t. We can’t control the weather; we can’t control the actions of others; we control the economy; we can’t control the massive amount of negativity that splashes across our screens on a daily basis.

All of this we can’t control.


we can control our attitude towards it.

It is what it is and it may not be able to change.

But how we dwell on it – our response to it – how we allow ourselves to think about it – THAT we can control.

Negativity has been around since the dawn on time.

The Bible has a great suggestion for preventingĀ ourselves from sinkingĀ into a quagmire of pessimism…

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

There is so much good around us. Let’s dwell on that.

When good things happen, write them down – if you do that every time, you will soon have a notebook with good stories. You will be able to look back and trace God’s hand of faithfulness on your life. He didn’t let you down then. He won’t let you down now.

God is faithful.

Nurture an attitude of gratitude.

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx šŸ™‚

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