I Know You Are Doing Your Best…

It’s the kindest way to reprimand. “I know you are doing your best, but….”

The guy I report to didn’t even say but. He just forwarded me an email with this statement, “I know you are doing your best.” The email he forwarded was one of our schools saying they were waiting for three interview confirmations.

Oh dear. There are so many moving parts to the new job role I have. I have just got to be on the ball. I am doing my best and learning every day. I’m already feeling more confident in what is needed and am really enjoying it.

By the end of today, two of the three interview confirmations had gone out. There’s only one to go. I am absolutely doing my best – today more than 8 hours of it.

It’s been a good day.

Mike went to Echo and met with Werner.  There are big stone flower beds either side of the garage (where the bougainvillea is). We are planning on taking the whole lot out to make more off street parking space. This will also provide a bit more space for building sand and deliveries before it gets trekked up the mountain to where we will be building.

A stairway is going to be constructed where the bush is in this photo to access the building site.

We are edging closer to commencing and it’s hard to believe. It was April 8th 2016 when I first wrote about our plan to build a house on the mountainside. You can read that here. We’ll see if by April 8th 2019 we will have started building.

I need to wrap this up as Julian is landing soon.

Isaiah 30:18

The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.

What a wonderful reminder.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Pilates about 55 minutes.


Day 113



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