I Get To Live An Extra Day!


A full and fabulous Wednesday…oops! No! It’s Tuesday! I keep thinking it’s Wednesday, so I get to live an extra day! 🙂

The show went well, with Wayne in between 7 & 8. How am I using my time on Rise and Shine? I’ve been presenting the show for 8 years. I continually need to be re-evaluating it. Bringing it into line with what God wants. Today in my Bible reading, it was Romans 14:12 that jumped out at me:

“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.”

It’s a sobering verse that reminds me to make every show count. Not only every show, but also every encounter with every neighbour, every other driver, to bring every thought into obedience to Christ. Tall order? I can’t but God can.

I did a full day’s work, arriving early and leaving at about 12-45pm. On the way home, I got caught up in Kalk Bay roadworks, having to stop waiting for construction vehicles to move. I made use of the stop to take some photos. They are currently resurfacing one side of the road.

There are a lot of massive trucks around…

It was a partly cloudy day with intermittent showers…

I arrived home to find Julian home. He had employed David and Jack to do some work for him this morning. They were finished so he took us all out for lunch. We went to Blue Water Cafe for lunch and to the same place we went yesterday for dessert. There was a fabulous peacock….

Julian always spoils us rotten when he comes. It was sad to say goodbye to him. David took him to the airport. Thank you Julian for all your blessings to us. 🙂

Mike has arrived home and has had dinner already. He has had a long day. He left home before I did to go and see the place we will be staying in when we go away next week. We’re going somewhere we’ve never been before. You’ll have to watch this space to find out where. One thing I do know is that I must call all the restaurants in the area to find out internet availability, although I think this weekend, Mike will buy me a dongle!

Show prep is almost done. Tuesday evening and a free one. I think I’ll do some knitting! Hi tech hey? Talking of hi tech, JP is challenging us to get off Facebook and Twitter for 72 hours, from midnight tomorrow night to midnight on Saturday night. This means you won’t see the link to this blog on my FB page! I will blog about how easy or hard it is!

Zillions of rich blessings!

In His everlasting Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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