I Didn’t Expect to see That…


Another busy day, spent largely sitting at my desk. After a complete morning’s work, I nipped to the Mall to do some shopping. I was quick. Went into Woolworths, picked up a few things and walked out. As I rounded the corner to exit the Mall, this met me…

I didn’t expect to see that! Smoke billowed out of one of the shops. There was a lady standing at the door of the shop with a book in her hand fanning the smoke. “What happened?” I asked. She replied something about her machine burning out. It was quite weird because while there was a lot of smoke and the smoke detector was beeping away, it wasn’t thick fire kind of smoke. I’m not sure what happened afterwards because I left the building, but I didn’t hear fire engines so I’m presuming all was well.

That was the event of the day. I haven’t had a chance to get to Echo today. Mike needed to go down to do some work for the electrics. There has been a misunderstanding and the wrong size steel was ordered so we had to order about R1000 more.  It’s good to have Werner the builder back from his overseas trip. We are all on track. Not sure when the build will be finished but we guess we could be in by our 34th wedding anniversary which is 9th August. We’ll see.

We had dinner at home, watched a low-cost ‘Grand Design’ and now I’m about to take Julian to the airport.

I’m grateful.

Romans 8:6

The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Today I took a day of rest, but need to get to gym, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.


1 year and 112 days.



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