I Chose The Wrong Day To Do This!

Today when I woke up I thought it would be a great idea to run to Fish Hoek. We were to meet Julian and David for breakfast anyway and it would be good to try my fitness out in the hard tar roads. I hadn’t gone far before I realised I chose the wrong day to do this. The wind was a strong south-easter and I was running right into it.

So the run became a gentle jog. The one thing about speed control, it’s much easier on the road. No treadmill buttons to press. But, the treadmill is definitely easier on the feet and it helps having an engine driving the surface below. Also, this morning, I couldn’t control the ‘fan’ that powered into my face. As for the hills, there are also none of those on the treadmill. If there are, they are easily flattened. Needless to say, my time as far from fabulous. But what was interesting, was I was not that tired after I arrived for breakfast, so much so that afterwards, I chose (yes CHOSE) to job home again. 8.2km. Time was about 62 minutes altogether. Not exactly Ms Flash. It may happen again, but I think I’ll try choose a day when there is a north wind blowing.

Mike has been working in the garden and one of the pot plants I got for my birthday about 4 or more years ago is looking great…

We don’t exactly have green fingers, but Mike has a special fertilizer he has been feeding it with great effect. With the drought, you have to try new things!

Today I had two wonderful phone calls. The first was from Stacey. Our opening words went like this:

Stacey: “Hi Mom, I’m pregnant!”

Me: “What? That’s wonderful news!! MIKE, Stacey’s pregnant! How far along are you?”

Stacey: “8 months!”

Us: “Wahahaha!”

Imagine if we only found out now that she was pregnant. Talking of which, I saw this story online…about a couple who hadn’t seen their families for 10 months and when they did, they were no longer a family of two, but had grown to three without telling anyone!

Great to speak to Stacey. We will visit them next week.

The other phone call came from my special best friend Debbie. On 27th January 2013, I wrote this on my blog:

“Yesterday, Debbie had a serious horse riding accident. Apparently her young horse tripped over a barrel while jumping in the warm up arena at a riding clinic. She landed face first breaking a collarbone and cheek bone and suffering a serious blow to the head.  Many people started praying for her. The doctors thought she had swelling on the brain…rushed her into surgery to put in a probe only to find no swelling at all. They have put her in ICU and she is now in a medically induced coma. They hope to start bringing her out of it at about 4pm this afternoon.”

Debs had a long recovery. She eventually moved to the UK (having been born there) and has now settled quite close to her family. She is on a disability allowance in the UK that allows her to live on her own. Right now she is visiting her sons in Durban and phoned to say hello. It was wonderful to speak to her and find out how she is doing. She is so remarkable. Resilient comes to mind. She’s not looking back and wishing, ‘what if’. She’s accepted that life is different now and she is making the most of it. She feels very blessed to be in the UK and have the life she is now living. One of her other ways of coping is to look at the positives. Such wise words. So happy for her.

2 Chronicles 15:7

Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Do. Not. Give. Up!

#630 of my 1000 thanks is for 70% dark Lindt chocolate!

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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